Home The Big Story The Big Story: Stormy Forecasts For Ad Tech And The Economy

The Big Story: Stormy Forecasts For Ad Tech And The Economy

The Big Story podcast

This big news this week involves two stories that are both part of broader trends in data-driven advertising.

First, there’s the darkening economic outlook as companies and consumers prepare for the worst. But regardless of whether the current infant recession enters its terrible twos, advertisers, ad tech companies and publishers aren’t waiting to strategize.

Whenever the markets go south, the ad industry beats the drums to remind brands that investing in advertising is about more than just buying ads – it’s about buying market share.

In other news, mobile attribution provider Kochava was sued by the Federal Trade Commission for allegedly selling geolocation data that could connect mobile device and ad IDs to sensitive locations, such as abortion clinics, mental health facilities and places of worship.

Although this suit focuses only Kochava, the company’s business practices as described by the FTC are standard operating procedure for practically any location data seller. It’s the latest in a string of cases against individual companies or organizations that are more about setting new precedent for the industry, not just cracking down on one-off infractions.

“Whatever happens, the fact is that the FTC filed this complaint because it’s focused on this space, ad tech in general and location data specifically,” says Managing Editor Allison Schiff.

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