Home The Big Story The Big Story: Finding Holes In The Privacy Sandbox

The Big Story: Finding Holes In The Privacy Sandbox


With the end of the cookie just months away, it’s (beyond) time to figure out if the replacement will work.

In a gap analysis by the IAB Tech Lab, which tested Google’s Privacy Sandbox with 44 different use cases for advertising, the APIs came up short. At least for now.

Can the current Privacy Sandbox APIs replace the current programmatic setup?

The answer is a resounding no.

An earlier version of the report was leaked to our managing editor, Allison Schiff. On Monday, she followed up with the IAB Tech Lab and talked to CEO Tony Katsur, who shared details about the final version of this report exclusively with AdExchanger. On this week’s episode, she shares more about what everyone in ad tech needs to know about this report, as well as what to make of Google’s response.

DTC Dreams

Then we talk about a think piece – “Were We Wrong About the Value of First-Party Data?” – that’s sparked a lively conversation in ad tech land. In it, our senior editor, James Hercher, points out that DTC companies, who put customer data front and center, are fizzling, and he connects this trend to the trajectory of CDPs (customer data platforms).

The piece has resonated with people who think the industry overhyped first-party data, and it’s inspired impassioned reactions from its believers. Both sides, as it turns out, may be true. A new marketing approach needs to both embrace first-party data and understand potential customers who haven’t reached the “first-party data” state of the relationship and share their information with a company.

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