Vegan/Vegetarian Adaptable

Here are easy-to-convert vegan and vegetarian dishes where you could easily switch out one or two ingredients. For any recipes using dashi, use plant-based Vegan Dashi.

A plate containing homemade inari age.
A plate containing homemade inari age.

Homemade Inari Age いなり揚げ

Simmered in sweet and savory dashi-based broth, Inari Age is seasoned deep-fried tofu pockets...
A flower shape bowl containing Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab.

Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab きゅうりとワカメと蟹の酢の物

Tossed with wakame seaweed and imitation crab meat, this sweet and tangy Japanese Cucumber...
Matsutake Gohan

Matsutake Gohan (Wild Pine Mushroom Rice) 松茸ご飯

Matsutake gohan is aromatic Japanese rice cooked with dashi stock and matsutake mushroom, also...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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