Vegan/Vegetarian Adaptable

Here are easy-to-convert vegan and vegetarian dishes where you could easily switch out one or two ingredients. For any recipes using dashi, use plant-based Vegan Dashi.

A Japanese rice bowl containing Soy-Glazed Eggplant Donburi topped with julienned shiso and toasted sesame seeds.
A white plate containing Ketchup Spaghetti (Napolitan).

Napolitan (Japanese Ketchup Spaghetti) ナポリタン

Need a family meal ready in 30 minutes? Try this easy Japanese Ketchup Spaghetti...
A ceramic bowl containing Agedashi Tofu (Agedashi Dofu) topped with grated daikon, chopped scallions, and grated ginger.

Agedashi Tofu (Video) 揚げ出し豆腐

Agedashi Tofu is a Japanese appetizer of crisp deep-fried tofu served in a dashi...
Weck jars containing fresh kimchi.

Quick Korean Fresh Kimchi 即席キムチ

Make this quick and easy Korean Fresh Kimchi recipe that's meant to be eaten...
A Japanese lacquer box containing colorful Mosaic Sushi that's made of checkerboard pattern of various sashimi, tamago, and cucumber laid over sushi rice.

Mosaic Sushi モザイク寿司

This colorful Mosaic Sushi features sashimi, tamagoyaki rolled omelette, and vegetables arranged in a...
Black ceramic bowls containing glass noodle soup with tofu, fluffy egg, and wakame seaweed.

Japanese Glass Noodle Soup (Harusame Soup) 春雨スープ

Made with fluffy eggs, tofu, and wakame seaweed, this comforting Japanese Glass Noodle Soup...
Chicken Zosui (Japanese rice soup) served in a donabe, Japanese earthenware pot.

Zosui (Japanese Rice Soup) 雑炊

Zosui is a comforting Japanese rice soup cooked in a savory dashi broth with...
A mason jar containing Yuzu Ponzu (Yuzupon) - Japanese citrus dipping sauce.

Yuzu Ponzu ゆずポン

What to do with fresh yuzu fruits? Make this delicious Japanese dipping sauce called...
A Japanese donabe clay pot containing salmon, potato, daikon, corn, cabbage simmered in miso-based soup.

Hokkaido Salmon Hot Pot (Ishikari Nabe) 石狩鍋

With salmon, potatoes, and corn cooked in a savory miso-based broth, this Salmon Hot...
A donabe pot containing Japanese Corn Rice (Butter Shoyu Flavor).

Japanese Corn Rice (Video) バター醤油とうもろこしご飯

This Japanese corn rice is made with fresh summer corn and rice seasoned with...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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